Technical Director

Without techies...the actors would be on an empty stage, in the dark, and performing in their underwear...

A good Technical Director (TD) makes sure the show looks and sounds fantastic...and runs smoothly for everyone...especially the audience.

It's never easy!


One of the most important jobs almost all TDs share is managing the scenic budget and all of the crew schedules. To do this properly they must be able to:

1.) Estimate the costs of a production:
                 a. What kinds of materials are needed
                 b. How much of each supply is needed
                 c. Getting the materials to the build space.

2.) How long it will take the crews to build the designs.

Relationships with the designers and creative staff is a crucial part of every TD’s job!

3.) Handling all technical drafting and elevations 

4.) Purchasing all the supplies and materials for the entire show.

5.) Overseeing all carpentry and electrical work during the production process.

6.) Maintaining communication with the Director on all changes or adjustments made to any of the designs for the show.

7.) Being present for rehearsals when the tech is incorporated into the process (for safety, proper application and mapping of movement in the space)

Production work always happens under
deadline pressure, and the TD must make sure that the tech is
installed and ready on schedule.

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